The unhealthy stomach is directly proportional to an unhappy person. A lot depends on the stomach as it may invite various problems if not functioning well.
Problems like constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, acidity, gas and bloating emerge with the improper functioning of the digestive system. These problems can be caused due to various factors like unhealthy diet, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, infection etc.
There are many ways to relieve stomach disorders and to improve the overall digestive system naturally. Few lifestyle and dietary changes can easily improve your digestive system naturally.
Here are the set of rules and best medicines for gas and acidity which you should follow to improve your digestive system naturally.
#1. Get plenty of fiber
As we all know fiber is very essential for good digestion, A rich fiber diet improves the digestive system by promoting regular bowel movements and by protecting against many digestive disorders.
Two common types of fibers are soluble fiber and insoluble fiber, Soluble fiber adds bulk to the stool helping it to pass whereas insoluble fiber clears the digestive system helping bowels to pass.
So eat a diet rich in fiber to improve your digestive system.
#2. Prebiotics
Prebiotics are the best foods for Constipation and are also a type of dietary fiber that stimulates healthy gut bacteria and improves the digestive system by increasing bowel movements. Prebiotics are found in many vegetables, fruits. Some of the common examples of it are garlic and onion.
restricts harmful bacteria from expanding and growing. While Onions are rich in inulins and help to boost the immune system by providing energy to gut bacteria and improving the digestive system.
So add food to your diet which is rich in prebiotic fiber to improve the digestive system.
#3. Stay hydrated
Thousands have lived without love, not one without water H.Auden
We cannot survive without as water is the most important element to live and to survive. The importance of water is not just confined to relieve our thirst and keeping us alive, it is more than that.
Water is necessary for our body to function properly especially the digestive system as it is required to digest solid food properly and to absorb the nutrients.
Without water, the overall performance of body decreases which leads to issues like dehydration, decreased blood pressure which further invites the problem like constipation and other digestive disorders.
So increase your fluid intake by drinking water and by eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in water content.
#4. Stress management
Stress has many harmful effects on our body including worsening of the digestive system. It has been associated with stomach ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive system disorders.
When we suffer from constant stress, our body releases stress hormones which impact our brain and affects the digestive system.
Stress management is very important because stress negatively impacts your digestive system having serious implications. Reducing stress relieves gas problems in the stomach and digestive disorders.
So adapt stress management techniques and practice yoga, meditation, deep belly breathing to improve the digestive system.
#5. Chew your food
The process of digestion starts with chewing the food as the teeth break down the food into smaller pieces by making it easier for the stomach to digest the food.
When you chew your food properly, enzymes in the digestive tract break down the food into more simpler pieces to pass small intestine easily.
Chewing the food thoroughly restores plenty of Saliva for the digestion process and reduces the risk of problems such as heartburn and indigestion.
So don’t just swallow your food, chew it properly.
#6. Smoking
Smoking has several bad effects and it is seen that smoking develops the risk of acid reflux, stomach ulcers, constipation, gastrointestinal cancers. If you have digestive disorders then quit smoking immediately as it might be one of the reasons for constipation.
#7. Alcohol
Alcohol has many effects including its bad effects for the digestive system such as inflammatory bowel disease and harmful changes in the gut bacteria.
Reducing the consumption of alcohol may help your digestion.
#8. Late-night eating
“After lunch rest a while, after dinner walk a mile.”
Late-night eating and directly going to bed might lead to various digestive issues like heartburn, indigestion, etc. Have dinner in time and don’t directly go to bed as it may slow down the digestive process.
These are a few dietary and lifestyle changes that will surely help you to improve your digestive system.
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